Amir Iqbal Khan
Bhadarwah, Feb 1:Sometimes the Summer months bring endless days of sunshine and good times. But, when wintertime comes rolling in, this season can often be far colder and gloomier than expected. Despite these conditions, there are still many wonderful things about winter, such as snow in the mountains. In particular, the snow in the region of Seoj Dhar, Kailash Kund and Sunbain which is located in the Southeastern part of Bhadarwah, is something that many consider to be an exceptional treasure.
The snow of Seoj Dhar, Kailash Kund and Sunbain in Bhadarwah additional district of Jammu and Kashmir bring with it a special sort of capital to the summer months. It is a symbol of the beauty and serenity of the region, a reminder of the endless possibilities that the freezing temperatures of the winter months can bring. The snow itself is a fascinating sight to behold, consisting of billions and billions of white crystal complexes, brilliantly glimmering and gleaming in the sun.
“The perennial snow cover of Sun Bain(Ashapati Glacier), Kailash Kund and all time mesmerising Seoj Dhar is the continuous source of water for the popular rivers like Neeru, Haloon, Tawi and many other brooks and nullahs which emanate from these snow reserves and act as a constant source of making available water both for local consumption as well as irrigation besides retention of underground moisture,” said Dharam Kant Dogra a nature lover. He also added, “the lush green meadows, crop fields, forest floors as also seasonal vegetations keep flourishing because of this persistent source of water especially during harsh and breathtaking hot conditions in summer season whether of subtropical or temperate geographical areas serving as a majestic capital component of growth and development of both varied fauna and flora.”
Another aspect of the snow of Kailash Kund, Seoj Dhar and Sunbain is the atmosphere it can bring. This snow has a certain element of peace associated with it, which can be quite soothing on days where the sky has decided to remain cloudy and the air has been made dense by the chill of the winter air. On days when the sun decides to shine, the landscape is often illuminated, providing an exquisite contrast between the bright whites and the vivid blue hues of the sky.
But a worrisome situation is the dwindling snowfall all along these years and the locals particularly who are associated with animal domestications and agricultural practices are expressing their concern and attribute it with the awe rising environmental degradation whose impact is observed in area like Bhadarwah which is free from pollution but the way the evergreen forest is fast disappearing is considered as the prime factor for it.
“Unfortunately the drastic and dreaded impacts of ecological degradation resulting in considerable climate change are becoming quite visible here also. The snowfall is showing a gradual decrease every year that is why the snow reserves in the form of frozen ice on the mountain tops is melting fast and at most of the places it has all together vanished which has severely affected the green vegetal cover of this region affecting the lives of both animals and plants,” another local environment lover and animal rearer Ali Mohammad Butt of village Sharekhi Bhadarwah while expressing dismay lamented. While holding the department of Forests responsible for merciless green tree felling, he further elaborated that denuding of evergreen forest cover is largely responsible for local climate change and sudden rise in temperature during summer season every passing year which is quite in contravention to the erstwhile time when timely snowfall in abundance was a regular feature of the winter season. “Earlier, mountains used to remain covered with enormous amount of snow through out the year, but, the situation is totally reverse today. The snow melts away by the end of March-April causing dryness to prevail all around which is felt as water shortage and at times trigger drought conditions,” he argued.
The snow of Sunbai, Seoj Dhar and Kailash Kund also serves as a unique source of reflection, allowing the locals to take in the beauty of the frozen landscape, while illuminating moments of their summer days gone by. As if to be calling out to them, the snow of Seoj Dhar, Sunbai and Kailash Kund reminds many of the joyful memories that summer often brings. In this way, the snow serves as a tangible reminder that summer can be found, even during the colder months of the year.
All in all, the snow of Seoj Dhar, Kailash Kund and Sunbain serves as a beautiful and unique reminder of the endless possibilities of summer. Despite the cold of winter, the snow of Seoj Dhar, Sunbain, Kailash Kund continues to persist, becoming a symbol of the joy and beauty that the summer season can bring. Much like a shimmering diamond, the snow of Seoj Dhar is an invaluable treasure in its own right and a reminder of the wonders of summertime.