SRINAGAR, MAY 10: Inspector General of Kashmir VK Bhirdi on Friday said that elaborate security arrangements for Kashmir polls as inter-district check-points and area domination has been taken care of. Talking to a selected group of reporters in his office chambers, the IGP, as per news agency—Kashmir News Observer (KNO), said that all arrangements have been finalized to ensure smooth polling and huge participation of voters. “Whatever mandatory security arrangements were needed, they have been taken care of,” he said.
The IGP said that police along with the Central forces have upgraded the inter-district check points and area domination has been given a further push. “We will ensure a peaceful atmosphere during all three phases of elections in Kashmir,” he said.
He said security deployment has been made as per the prescribed format of Election Commission of India (ECI). “We are following ECI guidelines and ensuing that security arrangements are fullproof,” he said.
He said that in the coming days, frisking operations and area domination will be further intensified to ensure anti-peace elements are kept at bay.
Srinagar Lok Sabha constituency will go to polls on May 13, followed by North Kashmir and South Kashmir seats on May 19 and May 25 respectively.